Zoo-phonics Learning Academy COVID-19 Policies

Zoo-phonics Learning Academy COVID 19 Protocols

UPDATED 7/18/23



  • All students will have a visual health assessment performed by staff members before entering the facility. If illness symptoms are noticed, child may be denied entry to facility.


  • Masks are not required for students at this time, and teachers may wear masks at their own discretion, except in special circumstances where they may be required to wear one for the health and safety of the school community.


  • ANYONE who has a temperature of 100.4 and over will NOT be allowed on premises. If a temperature develops while a student is in our care, they will isolate in the office until a parent/authorized pick up and get them.


  • We will be using Procare’s Touch-less Sign/Out via the Procare Ap Scanner. Please bring your phone to the door when you are brining or picking up their child. All parents and authorized pick-ups can use the QR code to sign in/out their child. Staff is happy to help family members learn how to do this, however, it is the parent/authorize pick-up’s responsibility to sign the child in and out.


  • Staff member will instruct students to wash or sanitize their hands, clean their shoes and then take them into their space.


  • Groups will have a stable group model to keep the same groups of children with the same teacher daily. Every attempt will be made to keep groups stable and consistent as situations allow.


  • Toys will be disinfected regularly to ensure a sanitary and clean environment. We will use a limited number of toys to keep the rotation of cleaning simplified.


  • Weather willing, we will increase the amount of outside time. We will try and spend majority of our day, if possible, outside in the fresh air. Doors that are secure to the outside (back classrooms, cafeteria) will stay open when possible, to encourage air flow.


  • Tables for meal times will continue to be disinfected both before and after meals. We will space tables as to keep each group separate from each other. We will eat outside when available.


  • Personal items that are NOT necessary will asked to be kept at home. We will provide blankets for nap time and be washing items EVERY WEEK.


  • Bathrooms will be sanitized after every group use.


  • We will continue to wash hands regularly and for the recommended amount of time. We will go to the sinks and use soap and water before meals.


  • Laundry will be washed weekly. If child goes home ill, bedding will be washed immediately.


  • Students that get ill or show any COVID -19 symptoms or are notified of an exposure while in our care, will be isolated in the office and parents and/or guardians will be called for pick up immediately.


  • Parents may bring special treats for their child’s birthday, special events, etc. – however, all food must be store bought, with appropriate label.


  • Vaccines are not a requirement for SLA students currently.


  • All students and staff members, regardless of vaccination status, upon testing positive for COVID-19 will be required to stay home for at least 5 days from the onset of symptoms (Day 0) or after first positive test day, regardless of symptoms. Isolation may end after Day 5 if:


  • Symptoms are not present or are mild and improving; AND
  • Fever-free for 24 hours without use of fever-reducing medication


  • If symptoms and/or fever persist after 5 days from symptom onset or students and staff experience severe illness due to COVID-19, decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis as according to CDC recommendations and Tuolumne County Public Health Department.


  • All students and staff, regardless of vaccination status, that are exposed to COVID-19 will be required to quarantine for 3 days after exposure. (Day of exposure being Day 0). After Day 3, student and/or staff must be asymptomatic and have a negative COVID-19 test before returning to class. If a child is unable or unwilling to test, they must complete a 7 day quarantine and continue to be asymptomatic before returning. This policy meets all recommendations and requirements set forth by TCPH and the CDC.


  • Staff and students that have been infected with COVID-19 within 60 days of a new exposure do not need to be tested, quarantined, or excluded from school unless new symptoms develop.
  • Tests taken to end quarantine must be labeled with name, date, time and emailed to katie@safarilearning.com prior to attending school.